The Da Ke ding (Chinese: 大克鼎;
pinyin: Da Ke ding) is an ancient Chinese bronze circular ding vessel from
the Western Zhou dynasty (1046--771 BC).
Unearthed in Famen Town, Fufeng County, Shaanxi in 1890, it is on display
in the Shanghai Museum.
The Da Ke ding, the Da Yu ding in the National Museum of
China, and the Mao Gong ding in the National Palace Museum in Taipei have
been called the "Three Treasures of China" (海内三宝;

时代: 西周
出土: 陕西省扶风县(1890年)
现藏: 上海博物馆
形制: 大克鼎通高93.1厘米,口径75.6厘米,腹径74.9厘米,腹深43厘米,重201.5公斤。鼎口有大型双立耳,口沿微敛,方唇宽沿,腹略鼓而垂,称敛口侈腹,是典型的周鼎器形之一。鼎足着地点比上端略宽大,重心略向外偏,是商代柱足演变为周代之蹄足的重要例证。
The tripod has 290 Chinese characters in 28 lines inside
the tripod. The inscriptions recorded that the monarch of the Western Zhou
dynasty awarded slaves and land to the nobleman, Ke (克).

該件大克鼎腹內壁上銘文共28行290字,為西周大篆的典範之作,銘文內容分為兩段:第一段是克對祖父師華父的頌揚與懷念,讚美他有謙虛的品格、美好的德行,能輔協王室,仁愛萬民,管理國家。英明的周天子銘記著師華父的偉績,提拔他的孫子克擔任王室的重要職務膳夫,負責傳達周天子的命令。第二段是冊命辭,周天子重申對克官職的任命,還賞賜給克許多禮服、田地、男女奴隸、下層官吏和樂隊,克跪拜叩首,愉快地接受了任命和賞賜,乃鑄造大鼎歌頌天子的美德,祭祀祖父的在天之靈。其銘文前段14行有陽線格欄,後段格欄制範時除去。銘文用筆厚重質樸,筆勢遒勁雄偉,形體舒展、挺拔,雖用圓筆,也有其偉岸與雍容之態度。 |
Ding (Big Grams Tripod) he also called
kashihade Ke Ding, the late Western Zhou Dynasty (Xiao Wang period) a man
named grams of nobility as the sacrificial grandfather cast bronze. Foshan
Aishang 93.1 cm, weight 201.5 kg, 75.6 cm diameter. Abdominal wall is cast
with the inscription of 2, a total of 28 lines, 290 characters, the main
record of G on the ancestor merit, by Zhou Wang ceming and a large amount
of land, slaves reward content. The grand style of primitive simplicity,
Ding on erect ears, at the bottom of the three foot has begun the animal
hoof shape to the evolution of the late Western Zhou Dynasty, is composed
of a solid. The first batch of Chinese is prohibited to go abroad (border)
exhibition of cultural relics. |
In 1890, namely the 16th year of Guangxu
period (1875━1908) in the Qing dynasty (1644━1911),
the tripod was excavated from a cellar in Famen Town, Fufeng County,
Shaanxi, with more than 1,200 bronze wares, including seven Xiao Ke ding (小克鼎)
and a set of Bianzhong. After hearing the news, Ke Shaotai (柯劭态;
柯劭态), a Tianjin collector bought it
Pan Zuyin (1830━1890),
a politician and collector spent a huge amount of money on the tripod.
Before he bought Da Ke ding, he has already got the Da Yu ding, the
largest bronzeware of the Western Zhou dynasty. Therefore, Pan became the
top of collectors home and abroad for bronze wares. It's known to the
world that three treasures in the world, these two tripods brought great
credit to the Pan family.
In 1951, the Shanghai Cultural Relics Management Committee
began to organize the Shanghai Museum. After getting the news, Pan Dayu
wrote a short letter, intending to donate the two tripods to Shanghai
Museum. The Da Ke
ding has always been kept there since that time. In 1959, the Da Yu ding
was transferred to Beijing and became one of the most valuable treasure in
National Museum of China. In March 2004, in order to celebrate Pan Dayu's
100 birthday, the Da Yu ding was transferred to Shanghai Museum for a
special and short display. It's their reunion for half a century.