The Shuihudi Qin bamboo texts (Chinese: 睡虎地秦简
/ 睡虎地秦简; pinyin: Shuihudi Qin jian)
are early Chinese texts written on bamboo slips, and are also sometimes
called the Yunmeng Qin bamboo texts. They were excavated in December 1975
from Tomb #11 at Chengguan Shuihudi (城关睡虎地),
Yunmeng County, Hubei Province, China. The tomb belonged to a Qin
administrator. |

睡虎地秦墓竹简计1155枚,残片80枚,现将其分类整理为十部分内容,包括:《秦律十八种》、《效律》、《秦律杂抄》、《法律答问》、《封诊式》、《编年记》、《语书》、《为吏之道》、《日书》甲种与《日书》乙种。其中《语书》、《效律》、《封诊式》、《日书》为原书标题,其他均为后人整理拟定。竹简长23.1~27.8厘米,宽0.5~0.8厘米,内文为墨书秦隶,写于战国晚期及秦始皇时期。 |
Written in the Qin Dynasty, they record Qin
laws and public documents. Their contents have been published in a Chinese
book entitled 《睡虎地秦墓竹简》 (Shuihudi
Qinmu Zhujian). This cache of bamboo slips is of great importance for
research into the government, economics, culture, law, military affairs,
etc. of the late Warring States to Qin Dynasty period.

