



Shanxi Museum: Mural paintings in Li
Chongrun's tomb

墓葬: 706年

Mural paintings of tour image life in Li Chongrun's Tomb,
also called as Prince Yide Tomb, Tang dynasty, 607 AD, located in Shanxi
The murals are rich in content, brilliant color, rich
flavor of life, fully demonstrated the royal style and environment,
provides the study of Tang Dynasty's history and culture is extremely
important materials, also shows the Tang Dynasty painter superb artistic
attainments and nearly one thousand and three hundred years ago Chinese
has high development level of drawing to the people. |
懿德太子墓是一座土陪葬墓,也是迄今为止所发掘唐代墓葬中规模大、规格高、属帝王级的陵墓。 |
Li Chongrun (李重润),682
--701, also named Li Chongzhao (李重照),
formally Crown Prince Yide (懿德太子), was
an imperial prince of the Tang Dynasty and Wu Zetian's Zhou Dynasty. He
was the only son of Emperor Zhongzong (Li Zhe/Li Xian) and Emperor
Zhongzong's second wife Empress Wei. In 701, he offended his grandmother
Wu Zetian by discussing Wu Zetian's lovers Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong
with his sister Li Xianhui the Lady Yongtai and her husband Wu Yanji (武延基)
the Prince of Wei, and he, along with Li Xianhui and Wu Yanji, were forced
to commit suicide.[2][3] He was posthumously honored as crown prince after
his father Emperor Zhongzong was restored to the throne in 705 and in 706,
Emperor Zhongzong provided Li Chongrun with an honorable burial by
interring his remains at the Qianling Mausoleum. |
这些精美的壁画又向人们展示了唐代画师高超的艺术造诣和将近一千三百年前中国已高度发展的绘画艺术水平。 |
Qianling Mausoleum
The Qianling Mausoleum (Chinese: 乾陵;
pinyin: Qianling) is a Tang dynasty (618━907)
tomb site located in Qian County, Shaanxi province, China, and is 85 km
(53 mi) northwest from Xi'an, formerly the Tang capital. Built by 684
(with additional construction until 706), the tombs of the mausoleum
complex house the remains of various members of the House of Li, the
imperial family of the Tang dynasty.

墓葬: 706年
墓壁满绘壁画,保留约40幅。 |
"Esther the tomb of Prince Edward, the biggest
surprise is the inside of the murals. It is understood that Esther Prince
tomb murals of more than 450 square meters, 54 square meters of stone
carving lines. Tomb complete 40 pieces were painted on ramps, over the
hole, patio, corridor and the tomb walls around before and after. The
subject has the honor guard, blue dragon, white tiger, walls, floor, que
Le Ji, a show and maids, Li Zhongrun's prominent position and special
status."--by China News |

进入墓道,首先就看到东西两壁巍峨屹立的《阙楼图》。这两座《阙楼图》,精雕细刻、装饰华丽。这个阙楼非同一般,它是三出阙,是等级最高的一种礼制性建筑,只有皇帝才可以享用,它往往也是帝王居所的标示性建筑。原来太子墓地面也有阙楼,但阙楼是否为三出阙,我们已不得而知,但掩藏地下的《阙楼图》却暗示着其中居住者的皇帝身份,让懿德太子在虚拟的皇宫里,永远享受着他未曾实现的皇帝梦。 |

这两幅阙楼图,被誉为唐墓壁画中的明珠,它们雕栏朱栋,金碧辉煌,在淡绿色的远山的衬托下,更显示出盛唐宫阙的富丽堂皇。阙楼可分为四部分:屋顶、屋身、平坐、墩台。屋顶为庑殿式,颜色深红;屋身和平坐皆用朱色平涂,一片红丹丹的色彩,一种富贵逼人的效果;墩台为砖木结构,中间用长方形砖砌成,周围有忍冬蔓草花纹,皆用褐 |

唐代墓葬壁画是陕西历史博物馆独具特色的珍贵藏品,共有20多座唐墓的壁画近600幅精品,壁画面积达1000多平方米。这些壁画气势恢宏、画技高超,令人叹为观止。 |
Most of mural paintings were fade severally. They can't
be displayed until repaired. |